Talking with officials and staff of the President Ho Chi Minh relic site, Trong hailed their effortsto fulfill the entrusted missions to study, preserve and promote values of theexhibits and documents about the late President.
He took the occasion to wish them a warm Tet holiday withgood health and happiness, hoping they will continue following President Ho ChiMinh’s thought, morality and lifestyle, as well as popularising his life andcareer to local people and international friends.
Laying stress on the success of the 13th National Party Congress,Trong believed that the whole Party, people and army will promote solidarityto build Vietnam into a prosperous and democratic nation with an equitable and civilised society to be on par withpowers across the five continents as expected by President Ho Chi Minh.
President Ho Chi Minh led the country to success in its struggle for nationalindependence. On September 2, 1945, he read the Declaration of Independence,proclaiming to the world the foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam,now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
He was a talented leader and a national hero who devoted his whole life to thecause of national independence and freedom and happiness for the people whiletirelessly striving for peace and progress in the world.
Located in the President Ho Chi Minh relic site, House No. 67 was named afterthe year 1967 when it was built, in which the late leader worked and passedaway. It was the venue of Politburo meetings during the fiercest years of war./