Atthe 43rd General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly(AIPA) in December 2022, NA Chairman Hue and his counterparts Heng Samrin ofCambodia and Saysomphone Phomvihane of Laos signed a joint statement onestablishing the CLV Parliamentary Summit mechanism, held biennially andco-chaired by the three NA chairpersons.
The Vietnamese top legislator’s attendance in the first summit aims to enhancethe friendship, solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation while promoting thesharing of legislative, supervisory, and practical information and experience amongthe three parliaments in order to bolster the partnerships in politics -diplomacy, socio-economic development, defence - security, and people-to-peopleexchanges for their countries’ sustainable development in the CLV DevelopmentTriangle Area and the three economies’ connectivity.
Hisparticipation is also intended to step up and supervise the implementation ofcooperation agreements and projects signed among the three governments, boostcoordination in the enforcement of the international multilateral deals towhich all the three countries are parties, and discuss ways for mobilisingcapital sources from partners in and outside the CLV region for the programmesand projects of the Development Triangle Area and other priority cooperationfields.
During the working trip to Laos, Chairman Hue is scheduled to have talks andmeetings with leaders of the Lao Party, State, and NA to look into somedirections and measures for strengthening the two countries’ cooperation in thetime ahead.
He will also join in meetings with some Lao people who used to study in Vietnamand the Vietnamese businesses and people in the neighbouring country.
Meanwhile,the trip to Thailand is his first official visit there as the NA Chairman ofVietnam, and also the first to Thailand by a Vietnamese leader since thiscountry set up a new Government. It is of importance as both sides arepromoting the action plan on implementing the enhanced strategic partnershipfor the 2022 - 2027 period, and carrying out practical activities incelebration of the 10th anniversary of the strategic partnership (2013- 2023).
The official visit to Thailand aims to continue implementing the foreign policyset at the 13th National Party Congress, actively consolidating andexpanding political ties as the foundation and fostering effective andpractical bilateral cooperation across the board and on all the channels of the Parties, parliaments, governments, and people-to-people exchanges./.