Inorder to protect the island, from September 1, 2022, the People's Committee ofCo To island district piloted regulations that tourists should not bringplastic bottles, plastic bags, and materials with risks of environmental pollution.
However,plastic bags have been still found on the island, said Nguyen Hai Linh, Head ofthe Division of Culture, Information and Tourism of Co To district.
Toensure an environment connected to green and sustainable tourism development,the district People's Committee asked travel companies, shipping companies,owners of accommodation establishments and tourism service providers to adviseall tourists not to bring plastic bags to the island.
Statisticsshowed that on average, more than 2,000 tourists visit the island a day.
Duringpeak days, the island welcomes over 5,000 visitors, equivalent to its entirepopulation.
In 2022,Co To island district launched a Zero Plastic Waste programme, aiming to raiseawareness among local islanders and tourists on reducing plastic bags andsingle-use plastic.
Dozensof trash bins have been installed at public places, beaches, and markets.
Touristshave been offered paper bags as part of a project reducing plastic waste.
Householdson the island have been also provided with environmentally friendly bags toreduce the use of plastic.
On June5, the island People's Committee held an event to launch environment protectionin the tourism industry, in response to the World Environment Day, with thetheme 'Solutions for Plastic Pollution'./.