Transport sector remains vigilant against COVID-19: Deputy Minister

Deputy Minister of Transport Le Anh Tuan has recently issued a document asking transport departments, railways, and airlines to enhance safety measures as travel demand increases for the Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday while the COVID-19 situation becomes more complicated.
Transport sector remains vigilant against COVID-19: Deputy Minister ảnh 1Deputy Minister of Transport Le Anh Tuan asks transport departments, railways, and airlines to enhance safety measures as travel demand increases for the Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday  amid complicated developments of COVID-19. Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - Deputy Minister of Transport Le Anh Tuan has recently issued a document asking transport departments, railways, and airlines to enhance safety measures as travel demand increases for the Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday while the COVID-19 situation becomes more complicated.

In a bid to ensure the safety of passengers and contain the spread of the coronavirus, he ordered the heads of transport organisations to strictly follow the Ministry of Health's guidance.

The Directorate for Roads of Vietnam, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam, the Vietnam Railway Authority, and the Vietnam Inland Waterways Administration were requested to raise the COVID-19 warning status at terminals, railway stations, wharves, and bus stations to the highest level.

Meanwhile, transport businesses were asked to tighten prevention measures along with reminding staff to follow the “5K” message: khau trang (facemask), khu khuan (disinfecting), khoang cach (distance), khong tu tap (no gatherings) and khai bao y te (health declarations).

Soap and hand sanitiser containing at least 60 percent alcohol must be available in waiting rooms in terminals, railway stations, and wharves, and on public transport means.

Drivers, flight attendants, passengers, and others must all wear facemasks.

Workers at transport companies were asked to install the Bluezone tracing app and turn it on regularly so it operates effectively. Passengers with smartphones should also be encouraged to use the app to receive early warnings when they come into close contact with COVID-19 patients.

The Ministry of Transport also ordered transport units to fully carry out prevention measures under Document No 7234/BGTVT-CYT dated July 26, 2020./.

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