Gay J. McDougall spoke topermanent Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh and representatives ofVietnamese agencies and organisations at a working session beforeconcluding her 12-day visit to Vietnam on July 15.
McDougall said her visit was a success and she thanked central andlocal agencies and organisations for their warm welcome and positivecooperation.
The UN official highlighted Vietnam’s establishment of specialised agencies and implementation of concreteprogrammes and targets.
She praised the country’sachievements in socio-economic development, implementing the MillenniumDevelopment Goals as well as its endeavours in reducing poverty andimproving the living conditions of minority people.
McDougall also commended the Vietnamese Government for payingattention to cultural and language preservation and education which hashelped ethnic people enjoy their rights and facilitated theirinvolvement in social life.
The UN expert also helddiscussions with the Vietnamese representatives about ensuring ethnicpeople’s rights in all fields and proposed the Vietnamese Governmentconsider promoting bilingual language teaching for ethnic children andcontinue with its assistance programme to ethnic people in disadvantagedareas.
Vietnam ’s agencies and organisationssaid they are ready to effectively cooperate with the UN and herself inaccordance with Vietnam ’s consistent policy of promoting humanrights, including the rights of ethnic people in the country.
During her stay, the UN expert was received by Deputy PrimeMinister and Foreign Minister Pham Gia Khiem and had meetings with anumber of State agencies and socio-political, religious andnon-governmental organisations in Hanoi , the northern province ofDien Bien, the Central Highlands provinces of Gia Lai and Kon Tum, andthe southern province of Tra Vinh./.