Ambassador Minh said this during the closingsession of the 65 th United Nations General Assembly on “Global Healthand Foreign Policy” in New York on December 9.
ASEANhas adopted the vision “Healthy ASEAN 2020” and accelerated efforts toplace health at the centre of development as well as enhancing ASEANcooperation in health, added the Vietnamese diplomat.
The65 th UN General Assembly called on member countries to consider healthan important policy issue in national development and internationalprogrammes, especially when implementing the Millennium DevelopmentGoals up to 2015.
The delegates emphasised that globalhealth challenges requires governments to make more investment andinclude health in foreign policy.
The UN General Assemblymentioned the necessity to enhance the health system by improvinginfrastructures and ensuring equal access to quality health services,clean water and hygienic conditions.
The session confirmedthat global health also depends on international partnerships,emphasising the necessity to promote the rights to safe access toquality pharmaceuticals as well as increase the production of vaccinesto combat global diseases./.