The United Nations Children'sFund (UNICEF) on June 21 launched the UNICEF Next Generation Vietnamprogramme, an initiative to help raise awareness and raise funds insupport of UNICEF's mission to support the rights of children.
Members are influential and passionate young adults who are committedto protecting the rights of all Vietnamese children through organisingeducational and fundraising programmes.
The activities will belaunched in collaboration with members of the UNICEF's Next Generationbased in New York City.
The key message of UNICEF's NextGeneration is "Believe in ZERO", UNICEF's campaign to reach its goal ofhaving zero-preventable child deaths, as well as having no exploited andabused children, malnourished children, children denied access toschool, and children born with HIV/AIDS.
Lotta Sylwander, chiefrepresentative of UNICEP in Vietnam , said approximately one-thirdof all Vietnamese children are stunted. This is an acute problem asstunting can irreversibly damage a child's future physical and cognitivedevelopment.
Vietnam's stunting rate is the 13th highest of its kind in the world.
She called on all people to join this programme so they can learn moreabout the situation of Vietnamese children and work together to helpimprove their lives. -VNA