United Nations to remain as lighthouse for multilateralism: Deputy PM

The United Nations (UN) will remain as a lighthouse for multilateralism and an incubator of initiatives for global peace and development, said Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh at a reception to celebrate the UN’s 75th founding anniversary in Hanoi on October 23.
United Nations to remain as lighthouse for multilateralism: Deputy PM ảnh 1Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh delivers the remarks at a reception to celebrate the UN’s 75th founding anniversary in Hanoi on October 23. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The United Nations (UN) will remain as a lighthouse for multilateralism and an incubator of initiatives for global peace and development, said Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh at a reception to celebrate the UN’s 75th founding anniversary in Hanoi on October 23.

Minh spoke highly of the UN’s ceaseless efforts for the universal development over the last 75 years, in all aspects of international peace and security maintenance, development cooperation and protection of human rights.

UN organizations have provided continuous assistance to Vietnam’s post-war reconstruction, “Doi Moi” (Renewal) period and today’s industrialization and modernization, he said, adding that these organizations have contributed considerably to empowerment of women, protection of children, job creation, institutional building, expansion of healthcare, agricultural modernization and addressing natural disaster aftermaths in Vietnam.

Competition among world powers, tensions and conflicts, and lack of commitments to multilateralism have been hampering efforts made by the UN, so Vietnam is committed to promoting multilateralism led by the UN, Minh said.

He recalled Vietnam’s contributions to maintaining global peace and security at the UN Security Council and how it has strived to take the lead in reforming the UN’s development system and accelerate the participation in the UN’s peacekeeping missions.

As Chair of ASEAN this year, Vietnam is taking great efforts to step up cooperation between the UN and ASEAN, particularly in coping with impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, he continued.

The Deputy PM expected the UN will continue providing Vietnam with policy consultancy, sharing knowledge and experience and support the country’s capacity building./.

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