UNSC meeting: Vietnam welcomes progress towards holding election in Palestine

Vietnam has welcomed recent progress towards the organization of an election in Palestine which will mark an important step to reunification and reconciliation at an online meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC) on the situation in the Middle East, including Palestinian issue, on February 26.
UNSC meeting: Vietnam welcomes progress towards holding election in Palestine ảnh 1At the online meeting of the UN Security Council (Photo: VN)

Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam has welcomed recent progress towards the organisation of an election in Palestine which will mark an important step to reunification and reconciliation at an online meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC) on the situation in the Middle East, including Palestinian issue, on February 26.

Addressing the meeting, Minister Counsellor Nguyen Phuong Tra, Deputy Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations called on Israeli authorities to create conditions for the organisation of the election in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem.

The Vietnamese representative also welcomed an initiative by Palestinian President Mahnoud Abbas to hold an international conference and every effort toward a comprehensive, fair and long-term peace between Israel and Palestine, in accordance with international law and the UN’s resolutions.

She underlined the need for trust building measures and called on parties concerned to refrain from unilateral actions that could undermine trust.

Tra lauded the Egyptian Government’s recent move to lift blockade on the Gaza Strip and called on Israel to take similar action.

On the humanitarian issue, she raised Vietnam’s concern over the current situation in Palestine and urged international philanthropists to continue delivering on their aid commitments.

UNSC member states hailed parties in Palestine for reaching consensus on important contents towards holding an election in the middle of this year. Many countries affirmed that the election needs to be held in a free and fair manner with the participation of all stakeholders and areas, including the East Jerusalem.

They expressed optimism over the recent developments of peace process in the Middle East and the resumption of humanitarian assistance for Palestinians to cope with the current crisis.

The meeting is held every three months to debate situation in the occupied Palestinian territories./.


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