The dollar exchange rate at most commercial banks fell by 30-40 VNDper dollar compared to last week and 10-20 VND in the last few days.
The Bank for Foreign Trade Bank of Vietnam(Vietcombank) quoted abuying/selling price of the US dollar at 18,960-19,010 VND,respectively, down 10 -20 VND from May 17.
Eximbank listed buying/selling rates at 18,960VND and 19,020 VND perdollar, down 20 VND from last week.
The exchange rate on the open market also decreased, and nearlyequaled the official rate, with buying and selling rates at18,970-18,990 VND and 19,100 VND.
The gold price in the domestic market has also fallen following adepreciation of the US dollar and world gold prices.
Sai Gon Jewellery Holding Co on May 23 bought the precious metal at27.30 million VND and sold it at 27.37 million VND per tael, compared tobuying and selling prices at 28.25 million VND and 28.19 million VNDlast May 17.
Sai Gon Thuong Tin Commercial Bank listed its buying and selling ofSBJ gold at 27.34 million VND and 27.42 million VND per tael,respectively, a drop of nearly 900,000 VND against Monday.
The global gold price at 4pm local time on March 21 stood at1,197 USD per ounce compared to its peak of more than 1,240 USD perounce last week./.