US organisation helps Quang Tri boost pepper production

Authorities of the central province of Quang Tri met with representatives of US organisation Roots of Peace, pledging optimal conditions for it to help develop local agriculture, especially pepper production, according to Tai nguyen & Moi truong (Natural Resources & Environment) newspaper.
US organisation helps Quang Tri boost pepper production ảnh 1The meeting between Quang Tri authorities and representatives of Roots of Peace (Photo:

Hanoi (VNA) – Authorities of the central province of Quang Tri met with representatives of US organisation Roots of Peace, pledging optimal conditions for it to help develop local agriculture, especially pepper production, according to Tai nguyen & Moi truong (Natural Resources & Environment) newspaper.

Roots of Peace has assisted more than 2,100 households in Vinh Linh, Cam Lo, Gio Linh and Huong Hoa districts to take part in 63 pepper cultivation clubs.

It has worked with the Mines Advisory Group (MAG) and Peace Tree organisation to clear unexploded ordnances from more than 45ha of land for more than 520 households to cultivate pepper. The organisation has also worked with the Korea International Cooperation Agency to mobilise 50,000 USD to help some 200 households in Cam Lo district farm pepper.

At the meeting on November 16, founder and CEO of Roots of Peace Heidi Kuhn appreciated Quang Tri authorities and people’s support to her organisation. She said she wants to make the province’s Tieu Cua (Cua pepper) known across the world as it is the best pepper she has ever tasted.

This could also be a symbol of peace as the pepper is produced in a formerly war-torn province, Kuhn added.

Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chinh lauded Roots of Peace’s activities in Quang Tri over the last years, helping the province reduce poverty and develop. The organisation has helped Quang Tri’s pepper be exported to the US and other countries, an encouraging sign for local agricultural brands.

The Quang Tri People’s Committee pledges to create the best possible conditions for Roots of Peace to partner with local companies to develop agricultural activities and clear unexploded ordnances, he noted.-VNA

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