US supports Vietnamese AO victims

Vice Director of the US organisation “Veterans for Peace (VFP)” Chuck Searcy and his delegation visited Vietnam to consolidate Vietnam – US cooperation in addressing the difficulties facing Agent Orange (AO)/Dioxin victims.
Vice Director of the US organisation “Veterans for Peace (VFP)” Chuck Searcy and his delegation visited Vietnam to consolidate Vietnam – US cooperation in addressing the difficulties facing Agent Orange (AO)/Dioxin victims.

During a reception for the delegation on April 17 in Hanoi, Vice President and Secretary-General of the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) Nguyen The Luc hailed the VFP’s active support for Vietnam, especially during the Vietnamese AO victim lawsuit in the US.

For his part, Searcy valued the efforts made by the VAVA to call on the global community to share the burden of Vietnamese AO victims.

On the occasion, the VFP donated 2,000 USD to the VAVA.

From 1961-1971, US troops sprayed more than 80 million litres of herbicides—44 million litres of which were AO containing nearly 370 kilograms of dioxin—over southern Vietnam.

As a result, around 4.8 million Vietnamese were exposed to the toxic chemical. Many of the victims have died, while millions of their descendants are living with deformities and diseases as a direct result of the chemical’s effects.-VNA

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