In his opening speech, Presidentof the VFF Central Committee Tran Thanh Man said over the past years, the VFFchapters at all levels have improved the capacity of giving feedback on socialissues, contributing to fine-tuning mechanisms and laws on corruptionprevention and control.
They actively joined supervisionschemes, focusing on sensitive issues and urged authorities to deal withcomplaints and denunciations.
The VFF has built a mechanism andlaunched a process on receiving and handling letters of complaint regardingcorruption, wastefulness, political and moral degradation, “self-evolution” and“self-transformation” behaviors among Party members and officials.
Secretary of the HCM City PartyCommittee Nguyen Thien Nhan said corruption and wastefulness acts are found viameetings with constituents, VFF chapters, People’s Councils, the media, lettersof complaint and denunciation.
In late 2017, the municipal PartyCommittee issued Regulation 1374 on handling information regarding corruptionand degradation, which will be periodically reported to Party committees, he said.
In order to improve theefficiency of the fight against corruption and wastefulness, Nhan suggestedthat VFF chapters of 63 cities and provinces should introduce at least onerelevant case which has been successfully dealt with, which will be collectedand featured in a printed book, thereby raising public awareness of the VFF’srole in the field.
Participants underscored theimportance of mass organisations’ supervision role, especially the VFF’s rolein representing and protecting legitimate rights and interests of the people,democracy and social feedback.
To Thi Bich Chau, Chairwoman ofHCM City’s Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, said local VFF units holdexchanges and dialogues with the people and collect public opinions via mailboxesand social public opinion groups. Later, they work with the municipal PartyCommittee’s Commission for Internal Affairs and Inspection Commission to dealwith information provided by the public regarding corruption, political andmoral degradation, and violations of the Party regulations and State laws.
Delegates discussed ways to rallypublic involvement in the fight and suggested ideas to refine anti-corruptionpolicies and laws.-VNA