Accordingly, customers when booking Eco tickets at website,Vietjet Air mobile app can immediately apply the promotion code VIETJET99 toreceive up to 99% discount on fares, excluding taxes and fees.
The promotion tickets are applied on all routes covering Vietnam andinternational destinations famous for their culture, cuisine and captivatingscenery in India, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia (Bali), Thailand,Singapore, Malaysia... with flexible flights time from September 19, 2022 toMarch 26, 2023, excluding Tet and national holidays.
In addition, passengers can enjoy free payment fees when booking tickets andpaying via Vietjet SkyClub or can be registered online to the "Fly now -Pay later" program within only 3 minutes for all domestic routes and soonfor international routes.
Vietjet is ready to welcome all passengers come with the best travel, visit,and business experiences with its flight network covering the region, manyflights per day, convenient schedules and hundreds of thousands of discountedtickets to fly with the modern fleet, friendly and professional cabin crews,fresh and hot meals, health care products and services, travel insurances, newaccommodation facilities, new utilities and many unique cultural and artisticperformances at the altitude of 10,000 meters./.