Accordingly, customers with the flight to and from Van Don during this periodcan change flight time and itinerary free of charge for flights between Ho ChiMinh City - Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City - Hai Phong, and Ho Chi Minh City - ThanhHoa, Ho Chi Minh City - Vinh with a new departure time within 72 hours beforeor after the original departure time.
In case the new itinerary or departure time exceeds 72 hours before or afterthe original departure time, customers can change the itinerary free of charge,only the fare difference applies (if any).
Customers can also choose to reserve a credit shell for 365 days from theoriginal departure date.
Customers should make changes at least 3 hours before the scheduled departuretime, and contact the Vietjet hotline, and ticket offices for assistance inmaking date changes and reservations. The change can be applied one time onlyper ticket.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the airline's operation plans and flightschedules have fully complied with the directions of the Government, theMinistry of Transport and the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam. Passengers canregularly update flight schedules on Vietjet’s official information channels.
The airline also recommends the passengers flying during this time to followmandatory requirements of health declaration on website, andwear masks during the flight to ensure absolute safety for themselves and thecommunity./.