This fact was highlighted by Director of the National GeriatricHospital Pham Thang at the second international conference on ageing inHanoi on November 15.
He said that an ageingpopulation is a global phenomenon and Vietnam is no exception. In2012, it was officially listed as having a higher number of older peopleevery year. Such a population trend has a profound impact on everynation and its people socially, economically, politically, culturallyand psychologically. The health sector will have to cope with this newchallenge, he noted.
Meanwhile, Director of theHealth Ministry’s Department of Medical Services Luong Ngoc Khuereported in more detail about the growing lifespan of Vietnamese people.At present, the average life expectancy in the country is 73, while 50years ago it was just 40. In that time the global average has increasedby 21 years.
From 1979 to 2009, Vietnam saw arise of 1 million old people for each decade. The increase now stands at1.2 million every two years, bringing the total elderly number now to8.65 million, Khue stressed.
The conference, thesecond of its kind, included two plenary sessions. It offered a chancefor domestic and foreign experts to share experiences and updateadvanced technology in health services for the elderly.-VNA