The session, which will run untilJune 23, includes a dialogue with representatives from the independentinternational investigation committee on Syria, as well as discussions on reportsof special rapporteurs on human rights situation in Belarus, Eritrea, Burundiand Myanmar.
Participants update information onhuman rights in Congo, Ukraine, Ivory Coast, Palestine and occupied Arabicterritories, and discuss the supervision of the implementation of resolutionsrelated to cooperation with Georgia in human rights.
The session’s agenda will alsoinclude discussions on women’s rights, the eradication of discrimination and violenceagainst women, the engagement of men and boys in preventing violence againstwomen and girls, along with the implementation of the Agenda 2030 onSustainable Development related to health and gender equality.
Participants will also talkmeasures to enhance the capacity in public health, children’s rights and issuesrelated to rights to education, poverty and human trafficking.
Attending the session as anobserver, Vietnam will continue actively contributing to the council’s work,especially the core groups on building resolutions on human rights and climatechange which are scheduled to be passed at the end of the session.
Vietnam will also give ideas on anumber of main issues at the event and engage in negotiations on the building ofother resolutions of the council.
At the same time, Vietnam will organisea conference on the sidelines of the session on the promotion and protection ofthe rights of women in coastal areas amidst climate change.-VNA