The dialogue brings together ministers and high-ranking officials from more than 50 countries aroundthe world to discuss smart energy transition strategies worldwide and how tobecome more independent from fossil fuels.
In his opening remark, Robert Habeck, German Deputy PrimeMinister and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, saidenergy security is placed at the centre of international discussions as theresult of the current global situation.
He underscored the urgency to accelerate the global energytransition and increase use of the renewables to boost energy efficiency,saying expanding sources of renewable energy is the most critical to energysovereignty.
At the event, attendees exchanged views on energy efficiencyand promotion of the renewables to create a politically stable and prosperousworld; and priorities in strategic investment in energy transition to not onlyprotect the climate but also consolidate security.
On the first day of the event, Deputy Minister An had meetings with representatives of major German corporations,including ThyssenKrupp, SkyWind, Enertrag, and PNE, where he gave them anoverview of Vietnam’s policies and incentives in renewable energy.
Vietnam’s The Green Resolutions Group also took the occasionto sign an agreement with Germany’s Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (tkIS)and Thyssenkrupp nucera AG & Co. KGaA to develop green hydrogen and ammoniaprojects in Vietnam. The signing was witnessed by Vietnamese Ambassador toGermany Vu Quang Minh./.