Themed “Transitioning to a New Normal: Leveraging GlobalValue Chains, Multilateralism and the 4IR,” the event was hosted by Cambodia’sMinistry of Commerce under the support of the Council for the Development ofCambodia (CDC), the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and other partners.
It brought together policymakers, economists and academics aswell as representatives from nearly 500 corporations from 53 countries all overthe world.
The event, initiated by Cambodia, the host country of ASEM 13, addressed a variety of topics, for example, theadvancement of digitalization fostering global value chains and itsconsequences; impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on trade, investment and economyand the post-pandemic economic recovery; and the significant roles of themultilateral trading system and free trade agreements in the Fourth IndustrialRevolution (4IR) and the New Normal.
Speakers also discussed new growth opportunities for globaltrades and businesses, particularly start-ups and macro-, small- andmedium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), in light of new technology and digitalizationin the 4IR, with governments’ on-going adjustments and reforms; and investmentin green infrastructure and green business to adapt to climate change anddisaster management, thus building resilience to crises and ensuringsustainability and socio-economic development.
The ASEM 13 will take place in Cambodia on November 25 – 26./.