With the amount, Germany now ranks 22nd among 101 nations and territories that are investing in Vietnam.
Among Vietnamese localities, Ho Chi Minh City was the most attractivedestination for German businesses, attracting 93 projects worth morethan 234 million USD.
It was followed by the southernprovinces of NinhThuan and Dong Nai with two projects at 156.7 millionUSD and seven projects at 145.6 million USD, respectively.
The German investment came to a wide range of sectors includingmanufacturing, production, water, electric and gas distribution, retailand wholesale, agro-forestry and fisheries, wastewater treatment,finance and banking, insurance and science and technology.
Meanwhile, Vietnamese businesses have to date invested 92 million USDin 17 projects in Germany. They are investing in fields such as financeand banking, real estate, IT and trade.
A recent surveyof the German ASEAN Chamber Network showed that German businesses werepositive on Vietnam's economic outlook and had high expectations for thenext year in terms of sales, production, human resource demand andcapital expenditure.
Seventy percent of the Germancompanies in the country confirmed positive market development over thepast year and a good current situation leading to a more positiveoutlook than in 2013 on the overall economy, capital expenditure, andprivate and business consumption.
Around 50 percent ofthe firms have performed better compared to last year and expect tocontinue this strong run, especially in sales where 56 percent of therespondents forecast an increase over the next 12 months-VNA