Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - TheVietnam National Academy of Music (VNAM) will cooperate with the AustraliaMusic Examinations Board (AMEB) in fields of training, performance and musicexchange.
Under the memorandum ofunderstanding (MOU) signed on December 3 at the VNAM, the AMEB willprovide curriculum and experts to exam the VNAM’s students. Lecturers of theVNAM’s will have more opportunity to attend training courses given by AMEB’ssystem.
"This is the most excitinginternational partnership in the history of the AMEB," said Miky Tyler,Chair of the AMEB Board of Directors at the MOU singing ceremony. "As aniconic Australian organisation, we are proud to begin this association with theVNAM which represents the highest level of music education in Vietnam".
The AMEB is one of the mostdistinguished and recognised music examination boards in the world. Thissignificant export move is in response to continuing discussions with the VNAM,following the AMEB recognising the need for consistent and high-quality musiceducation across Vietnam.
As part of the partnership, the AMEBhas already committed to over 500 examinations for year 2019 and a number ofAustralian teachers and examiners will come to Vietnam to train local teachersin the AMEB model and curriculum.
Dao Trong Tuyen, Head of PianoDepartment and Associate Professor Dr Nguyen Huy Phuong, Deputy Head of PianoDepartment, will take the lead in teaching the AMEB curriculum at the VNAM andoversee the significant move to allow their students to play some repertoirefrom AMEB publications in their formal exams.
The VNAM expects to launch aMusic Centre that will teach piano using AMEB curriculum and examinations in2020.
Lecturers and students from theVNAM and the AMEB will attend festivals, performances and competitions whichwill be held by the two organsiation respectively. The Australian partner willorganise summer music camps and exchange programmes to help the VNAM’slecturers and students to have chance to experience the AMEB system morecomprehensively.
"The cooperation between theVNAM and the AMEB is a wonderful opportunity for us to approach a standardmodel of exam with 100 years of experience," said Le Anh Tuan, the VNAM’sdirector. "This is also evidence to the development and integration ofVNAM with the professional music education of the advanced country in theregion and in the world.
The AMEB is Australia’s leadingprovider of examination services for music, speech and drama. It emerged in1918 as a national body with the purpose of providing graded assessments of theachievements of music students and examinations for students of speech anddrama later.
Participants at the MOU signingceremony are Australian Ambassador to Vietnam Craig Chittick and representativesfrom the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.-VNS/VNA