Vietnam believes world will soon put pandemic under control: spokeswoman

Vietnam recently held unofficial phone discussions with the US, Japan, the Republic of Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand to look into post-COVID-19 cooperation and economic recovery, according to Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang.
Vietnam believes world will soon put pandemic under control: spokeswoman ảnh 1People at a quarantine centre in Hanoi's Thach That district have their body temperature checked (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam recently held unofficial phone discussions with the US, Japan, the Republic of Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand to look into post-COVID-19 cooperation and economic recovery, according to Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang.

At the ministry’s regular press conference on May 14, Hang said amid the ongoing complex developments of the pandemic around the world, which have been causing severe impact on almost all nations, as a responsible member of the international community and with a wish to contribute to common efforts against COVID-19, Vietnam has been actively cooperating with other countries, regional organisations, especially ASEAN, and UN organisations; and taking part in many discussions under various forms and at different levels such as international and regional conferences, bilateral or multilateral phone talks among senior leaders, ministers, and deputy ministers.

Recently, Vietnam joined the US, Japan, the Republic of Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand in unofficial phone talks, she affirmed, noting that during the talks, the sides updated each other on the disease situation in their respective countries, regions and the world. Vietnam and the countries also shared experience and pandemic prevention and control measures, along with effective cooperation forms in citizen protection, provision of medical supplies and humanitarian aid, maintenance of transport and trading, and creation of the best possible conditions for post-COVID-19 economic recovery, the spokeswoman noted.

Vietnam believes that via cooperation and discussion mechanisms and with a constructive and responsible spirit, countries and the world community will soon manage to control and defeat the pandemic while gradually restoring socio-economic development, she added./.

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