Under their newly-signedcooperation agreement, the two sides will assist each other inorganising events, seminars and market survey programmes for Vietnamesebusinesses in France and French businesses in Vietnam to promotebilateral investment and trade relations between the two countries’businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.
ABVietFrancePresident Nguyen Hai Nam said cooperating with CCIFV will gatherexperienced overseas Vietnamese entrepreneurs from different sectors topromote trade exchange between France, other European Union members andVietnam.
The establishment of representative offices in Ho ChiMinh City and Hanoi has helped widen the relationship with domesticcompanies and foreign organisations in Vietnam, Nam said.
For hispart, CCIFV President Pierre-Jean Malgouvres said within the frameworkof this comprehensive cooperation, CCIFV will actively act as a tradebridge between Vietnam and France and effectively assist activities ofCCIFV and ABVietFrance members.
There are more than 300,000 Vietnamese people living in France./.