Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam has called for morehumanitarian aid for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) during the UnitedNations Security Council’s meeting on the country’s unrest and activities ofthe UN Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO) on December6.
Ambassador Pham Hai Anh, Charge d'affaires ofVietnam to the United Nations (UN), voiced his concern over prolonged instability in the DR Congo where civilians have become the main target of armed groups.
He also expressed his concern over the humanitarian situation and called for further support for the UN's humanitarian fund in the DRCongo.
The diplomat emphasised the necessity to look for solutions tounderlying causes of instability and violence through new and advancedstrategies that will ensure the protection of civilians, restore Stateauthority, natural resources management and security improvement.
He underlined the significance of cooperation between the DRCongo and neighbouring countries and region and crucial support of theinternational community for the efforts.
At the meeting, Bintou Keita, Special Representative of theUN Secretary-General and Head of MONUSCO, presented an overview of theSecretary-General’s latest report on the country in the past three months.
Challenges regarding the protection of civilians in thecountry’s eastern provinces still exist, she remarked./.