Vietnam chairs opening ceremony of 15th ASOSAI Assembly

Auditor General of the State Audit of Vietnam Tran Sy Thanh, who is President of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), term 2018-2021, chaired the opening ceremony of the 15th ASOSAI Assembly via videoconference on September 7. ​

In his opening remarks, Thanh said in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ASOSAI has witnessed solidarity of all regional supreme audit institutions.

He stressed that during the three years of assuming the role as ASOSAI Chair, the State Audit of Vietnam has closely coordinated with the organization’s members in carrying out the Hanoi Declaration.

Meanwhile, Thailand's State Auditor General Chanathap Indamra said the pandemic has affected all aspects of life, including the audit sector. This ASOSAI Assembly would not have been successful without the support of Vietnam and other members, he added.

After the opening ceremony, the 15th ASOSAI Assembly is convening the first and second plenary sessions./.