Atthe session, the two sides reviewed their activities after thecompletion of the land border demarcation and marker planting along thecommon borderline. They fulfilled tasks as scheduled to put documents onthe Vietnam-China land border into practice.
Both sidesdiscussed orientations to implement future border management and agreedon important issues on operational mechanisms for borderrepresentatives, the construction of projects on border rivers andstreams, border gate management, and speeding up negotiations for anearly signing of an agreement on free water traffic in the Bac Luanriver mouth area and a cooperative agreement on tapping into tourismpotential in the Ban Gioc waterfall area.
Both countries alsoagreed to work closely in maintaining security at border areas, toprevent illegal migration, trafficking of women and children, drugsmuggling and transnational crimes.
They agreed to increaseeducation and campaigns targeting people in border areas to encouragerespect for the common borderline, as well as to exchange informationand cooperation in environmental protection and use of water resources.
Thesession took place in an atmosphere of friendship and frankness,contributing to developing the Vietnam-China land border into aborderline of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.
Both sides agreed to convene the second session of the Committee in Hanoi in the fourth quarter of this year./.