Vietnam concerned over escalating violence in Myanmar: spokesperson

Vietnam is concerned over violence and human losses which continue escalating in Myanmar in recent days, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang said on March 11.
Vietnam concerned over escalating violence in Myanmar: spokesperson ảnh 1Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang says at the ministry’s regular press conference in Hanoi on March 11 that Vietnam is concerned over violence and human losses which continue escalating in Myanmar in recent days. (Photo; VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam is concerned over violence and human losses which continue escalating in Myanmar in recent days, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang said on March 11.

Speaking at the ministry’s regular press conference, Hang stated Vietnam has called on parties involved to restrain, avoid using violence and solve disputes through peaceful dialogues, while hoping Myanmar to stabilise soon, for the interests of Myanmar people and for peace and stability in the region.

Vietnam also shares ASEAN’s common viewpoints mentioned in the ASEAN Chair’s statement on the developments in Myanmar on February 1, and in the ASEAN Chair’s Statement on the outcomes of Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on March 2. The two statements stressed the abidance by the ASEAN Charter, the support for dialogue and mediation, and the hope for the Myanmar situation to soon return to normal, in accordance with the will and interests of Myanmar people to build and develop the country for peace, stability and cooperation in the region and to contribute to the ASEAN Community building process, Hang said.

She affirmed that Vietnam will continue cooperating with other ASEAN member states to seek a solution to the Myanmar issue.

Regarding the Vietnamese citizen protection in Myanmar, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that Vietnam has asked Myanmar to ensure safety for and legitimate interests of Vietnamese people and enterprises in the country./.

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