Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung made thestatement at the first plenary session of the 32 nd General Assemblyof the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-32) in Phnom Penhon September 20.
He stressed that the Vietnamese NAdelegation agreed with the AIPA-32 theme, “The role of AIPA in building aprosperous ASEAN Community”, saying that ASEAN has seen remarkablechanges towards a common community in 2015 as well as promoted dialogue,cooperation and connectivity for regional peace, stability anddevelopment.
Besides advantages, ASEAN is facing alot of challenges, including the on-schedule completion of the roadmapof building the ASEAN Community and the effective settlement of emergingchallenges, he noted.
The top Vietnamese legislatorsuggested that in this important period, AIPA should actively boostdialogue, strengthen trust, promote solidarity and consensus in solvingdisputes peacefully as well as speed up the effective implementation ofcooperative mechanisms and tools in the region.
“AIPA should support ASEAN in expanding and deepening ties with itspartners to create a favourable environment for building the community,boosting regional connectivity and narrowing the development gap,” hesaid.
Hung also emphasised the necessity for closecoordination between AIPA and ASEAN in consolidating and strengtheningthe central role of ASEAN in the evolving regional architecture for thecommon goal of peace, stability and development as well as ineffectively dealing with arising challenges.
TheVietnamese NA leader congratulated Myanmar on its officialmembership to AIPA, which he said marks a strong and importantdevelopment of AIPA with the participation of ten ASEAN countries.
In his opening speech, Heng Samrin, President of the CambodianNational Assembly and President of AIPA, said that Cambodia would tryits best to turn the AIPA 32 General Assembly into a milestone of theAIPA process, creating favourable conditions for exchange of informationand viewpoints and promoting integration.
He said thatCambodia wishes to build the inter-parliamentary organisation ofpeace, to provide a mechanism for settlement of disputes in the regionand strengthen trust among ASEAN nations.
Heng Samrin proposed toset up a supervision committee with representatives from ASEANparliaments and have an AIPA parliamentary group for providingconsultancy and conduct regular examination of the implementation ofAIPA agreements.
He expressed his belief that AIPA 32 would be anideal opportunity for participating delegations to contributeinitiatives towards effective cooperation to bring member countriescloser in coping with common challenges.
Cambodian SenatePresident Chea Sim affirmed that AIPA 32 provides an opportunity topromote the role of the regional inter-parliamentary organisation inbuilding a prosperous community. Through its agenda, ASEAN parliamentswill discuss and work out measures to cope with problems of maintainingpeace, stability and development in the region and the world.
PresidentChea Sim expressed his wish that AIPA 32 would build a cooperativemechanism to prevent terrorism, transnational crime, drug crime andother violent actions.
AIPA-32 is being held from Sept. 18 to 24in Cambodia, with participation of the heads of all parliaments ofthe Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and observers fromAustralia, Canada, China, the European Parliament, Japan, the Republicof Korea, India, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Russia and the UnitedStates./.