Vietnam, Czech seek closer cooperation between localities

Vietnam’s Ambassador to the Czech Republic Ho Minh Tuan met with Governor of Plzen Region Josef Bernard in the city of Plzen on October 10 to discuss plans to boost cooperation between the Czech region and Vietnamese localities.
Vietnam, Czech seek closer cooperation between localities ảnh 1Vietnam’s Ambassador to the Czech Republic Ho Minh Tuan (Photo: VOV)

Prague (VNA) – Vietnam’s Ambassador to the Czech Republic Ho Minh Tuan met with Governor of Plzen Region Josef Bernard in the city of Plzen on October 10 to discuss plans to boost cooperation between the Czech region and Vietnamese localities.

Speaking at the meeting, Tuan spoke highly of the potential and strengths of the Plzen Region in industry, agriculture, transport, tourism and services. These sectors are suitable for Plzen and Vietnam’s cities and provinces to set up cooperation and learn from each other’s experience, he noted.

He also thanked the government of the region for supporting the local Vietnamese community and engaging them in the regional life and activities. The ambassador hoped that the Vietnamese community will receive further attention from the local government; for example, they should be provided with support to organise cultural events and open Vietnamese language courses for children.

About 6,000 Vietnamese people now reside across the Plzen region, most of who are involved in business and services or work in factories.

Tuan moved on to discuss with his host the memorandum of understanding signed between Plzen and the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho in 2014, suggesting the two sides coordinate more closely to implement contents in the agreement.

They need to provide all means for enterprises from the two countries to seek partnership through trade and investment promotional events, he said. At the same time, the University of West Bohemia in Plzen and the University of Can Tho can exchange scientific studies and students, he added.

The ambassador urged Plzen and Vietnamese localities to further expand people-to-people exchange in culture and tourism to enhance mutual understanding between the two countries and promote celebration of the 70th anniversary of the diplomatic ties in 2020.

Bernard, for his part, agreed with his guest’s proposal, saying he will help the Vietnamese community find proper venues and access funding for their cultural activities. He also suggested the two sides hold photo exhibitions for local people to know more about Vietnam’s people, culture and landscapes and translate selected Vietnamese popular books and movies into Czech.

He further noted that Plzen stands ready to provide funding for the organisation of business forums and workshops for trade and investment promotion between the two sides. –VNA 

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