The two sides regularly maintain delegation exchanges at alllevels, especially high-level visits and meetings, which not only shows respectfor each other's roles, but also helps orient specific cooperation contents.Most recently, in the official visit to Vietnam by Danish Crown Prince Frederikand Crown Princess Mary Elizabeth last November, the two sides signed 14memoranda of understanding on cooperation in the field of energy, particularlyrenewables.
They also support each other at regional and internationalmultilateral forums such as the United Nations and its bodies, the Asia-EuropeMeeting (ASEM), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and theEuropean Union (EU).
Two-way trade nearly doubled in the past decade from 480million USD in 2013 to nearly 900 million USD last year. More and more Danishinvestors are paying attention to seeking cooperation opportunities andexpanding business and production in Vietnam. As of December 2022, Denmark hadrun 155 investment projects worth 1.78 billion USD, ranking 22nd outof the 141 nations and territories pouring capital into the Southeast Asiancountry.
However, there remains an ample room to further develop thebilateral ties, Nghi said, adding that the two sides are working to upgradetheir relationship to a new height to create a premise to promote cooperationin many new areas such as green transition, digital transformation, andrenewable energy development, which all hold strategic significance forVietnam's development as well as for the benefit of each country.
To soon upgrade the bilateral relations to a green strategicpartnership level in the coming time, Ambassador Nghi proposed the twocountries continue deepening and consolidating the bilateral political and diplomaticrelations, maintaining delegation exchanges, boosting collaboration ineconomics, trade and investment, with focus on renewable energy, hi-techagriculture, health, transportation, logistics, digital transformation andinnovation.
Priority will be given to collaboration in fields related togreen growth and sustainable development such as renewable energy development,specifically offshore wind power and the development of human resources andsupporting industries in this field.
The embassy will exert every effort to serve as a bridgeconnecting the two countries’ people and businesses, thus contributing to eachcountry’s development and the bilateral comprehensive and strategic relations,added Nghi./.