Vietnam discusses priorities with President of UNGA’s 77th session

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, held a working session with President of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Csaba Kőrösi on August 19 to discuss UNGA’s working priorities as well as Vietnam’s issues of concern.
Vietnam discusses priorities with President of UNGA’s 77th session ảnh 1Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang (R) and President of the UNGA's 77th session Csaba Kőrösi (Photo:

New York (VNA) – Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, held a working session with President of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Csaba Kőrösi on August 19 to discuss UNGA’s working priorities as well as Vietnam’s issues of concern.

Giang affirmed that Vietnam will actively join and contribute to promoting the common agenda of the international community, as well as seek solutions to global challenges.

He shared Vietnam’s interest in stepping up the fulfillment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, coping with climate change, preventing and responding to epidemics, promoting gender equality and the role of women and youths, upholding and promoting respect of international law, and dealing with regional and global issues of shared concern.

Vietnam will continue contributing to the international community’s efforts regarding peace and security, promoting the UN peacekeeping activities and important processes suggested by the UN Secretary General in “Our Common Agenda” report together with other UN member states, he said.

Kőrösi said major priorities during his tenure will be hastening the settlement of conflicts by peaceful means, upholding multilateralism, highlighting the UN’s role, strengthening solidarity among UN member states, promoting sustainable development, climate change response, sci-tech application, and ensuring human rights.

On the occasion, he congratulated Vietnam on being elected as one of the Vice Presidents of the UNGA’s 77th session.

He also said he wishes to work closely with Vietnam./.


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