Vietnam focuses on sustainable poverty reduction

The Vietnamese Government has paid special heed to reducing poverty in an inclusive and sustainable manner, stated Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga, head of the Vietnam Mission to the UN.
Vietnam focuses on sustainable poverty reduction ảnh 1Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga, head of the Vietnam Mission to the UN (Photo: VNA)
NewYork (VNA) – The Vietnamese Government has paid special heed toreducing poverty in an inclusive and sustainable manner, stated AmbassadorNguyen Phuong Nga, head of the Vietnam Mission to the UN.

Thecountry has completed the Millennium Development Goal in poverty reductionearlier than schedule, with human development index improved considerably, shesaid.

Addressing the ongoing 55th session of the Commission for SocialDevelopment (CSocD) under the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in NewYork, the diplomat noted that Vietnam has restructured the economy andmodernised agriculture and rural areas in order to improve people’s livingconditions and their access to education, health care service, housing, cleanwater, jobs, and social services, with priority given to disadvantaged groups.

Shealso underscored the importance of public-private partnership and internationalcooperation in mobilising resources for poverty eradication, calling onpartners to continue supporting Vietnam to reinforce what it has gained andenhance the capacity to build resilience against economic shocks, naturaldisasters and climate change.

Speakingon behalf of the ASEAN, Nga reiterated the association’s efforts to eradicatepoverty and raise the living standards in the region, while stressing that allpoverty reduction strategies should be built on the basis of specific demand,priorities and conditions of each country and the region.

ASEANcalls for strengthened global partnership that would include the fulfillment ofofficial development assistance commitments, enhanced capacity-building andtechnology transfer, and the creation of favourable conditions for developingcountries in the formulation and implementation of poverty eradicationstrategies, she said.

Themed“Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development forall,” the event has drawn special attention of the international community withthe attendance of senior officials of many countries as well as representativesof UN agencies and prestigious non-governmental organisations.

Accordingto the UN Secretary-General, about 767 million people, or 10.7 percent of theworld’s population, are living under the poverty line with only 1.9 USD a day,300 million of whom are from developed countries. In the US, poor people makeup 14.5 percent of its population.

Participantsreached a high consensus on comprehensive and multidimensional approach to thebuilding and implementation of poverty reduction strategies to optimise socialresources and adjust policies to suit specific conditions of each country.

Theyalso shared their practical experience and effective policies as well as approachto specific groups such as women, the youth, the disabled, and poor people inrural and remote areas.-VNA

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