Vietnam helps Lao army build political theory school

Vietnam started the construction of a political theory school for the Lao People’s Army (LPA) in Xaysettha district of Vientiane, on January 19.
Vietnam helps Lao army build political theory school ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source:

Vientiane (VNA) – Vietnam started the construction of a political theory school for the Lao People’s Army (LPA) in Xaysettha district of Vientiane, on January 19.

Speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony, Vilay Lakhamphong, Deputy Defence Minister and Director of the General Department of Politics of the Lao People’s Army, expressed his thank for the Vietnamese Party, State and Defence Ministry.

According to him, the construction of this school is essential to develop the LPA into a politically-strong army, and enhance its capacity in training political officials, thus helping the LPA fulfill the mission assigned by the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, Lao State and people.

Investment for the first phase of the project is over 6 million USD (137 billion VND).-VNA

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