The event was organised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT)and the Vietnamese Embassy to Italy in conjunction with the ItalianInstitute of Foreign Trade, the association of industrial employersin Lombardy region ( Assolombarda), and the Milan Investmentand Trade Promotion Organisation.
Participantsreviewed the development of bilateral cooperation in recent years,especially after the two countries established their strategicpartnership. They discussed the acceleration of setting up a jointcommission on economic cooperation coordinated by Vietnam’s MoIT andItaly’s Ministry of Economic Development.
Speaking at theevent, MoIT Deputy Minister Ho Thi Kim Thoa said a number of Italiangiants, such as the Italian national oil and gas group (ENI), Piaggio,Ariston, Bonfiglioli and Perfetti, consider Vietnam as a key destinationfor their plans for expanding market in the Asia-Pacific region.
She expressed her belief that the joint commission will createfavourable conditions for the two sides to consult, exchange andcomplete the legal framework and investment and cooperation incentives.
Duringthe forum, Italian businesses were provided with updated information oninvestment environment in Vietnam, and prospects for long-term economiccooperation between the two countries’ enterprises.
After theforum, the participants had a round-table discussion on topics relatedto the cooperation potential in the fields of energy and retail,distribution, development and investment promotion plans in theindustrial sector and experience of Italian investors operating inVietnam.
The forum is an activity to launch “Vietnam Days inMilan”, which takes place in October in order to celebrate the 40 thanniversary of Vietnam-Italy bilateral relations-VNA