Hanoi (VNA) - A workshop was held inHanoi on June 28 to kick off the review and update of Vietnam’s nationallydetermined contributions (NDCs) which are meant to realise the Paris Agreementon climate change.
The event was held by the Ministry of NaturalResources and Environment (MoNRE), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), andGermany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buildingand Nuclear Safety.
It was attended by members of the steering boardfor the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, theKyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement; members of the advisory council of theNational Committee on climate change; representatives of ministries, sectors,development partners, embassies, businesses, non-governmental organisations;along with domestic and foreign scientists.
The workshop aimed to collect opinions on thecontent, the roadmap and the role of relevant sides in the review and update ofNDCs from now to 2020.
MoNRE Deputy Minister Vo Tuan Nhan said NDCsneed the participation and thorough consideration of all key concerned partiesto ensure the transparency in the NDC implementation.
He said Vietnam should review and update NDCs ina way that can reflect new requirements in the country and the world. Theultimate goal is to ensure Vietnam’s NDCs are feasible and reflect thecountry’s utmost efforts.
To ensure the updated NDCs’ trustworthiness andfeasibility, it is necessary to collect documents, information, researchfindings and climate change response efforts in all fields and from groupsaffected by climate change, he noted.
Nhan asked development partners, internationalorganisations, non-governmental organisations, ministries and sectors toprovide necessary information or conduct supplementary studies to assist theNDC review and update.
The Paris Agreement, adopted in December 2015,is the first legal document that binds each country’s responsibility and commitments,through NDCs, to coping with global climate change. Accordingly, each countryis expected to submit updated NDCs every five years so as to help keep a globaltemperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, andmake efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius andachieve net zero emissions in the latter half of the century.-VNA