Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia strengthen Front work

The Fronts of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia should continue to implement the trilateral agreement to strengthen and consolidate friendship and solidarity between the three countries.
The Fronts of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia should continue to implement the trilateral agreement to strengthen and consolidate friendship and solidarity between the three countries.

Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan made the suggestion at a meeting with his Lao and Cambodian counterparts in Phnom Penh on December 2.

According to Nhan, the settlement of border issues between the three countries will help maintain the border area of peace and friendship, thus promoting their economic and trade development.

To prepare for the 35th anniversary of Vietnam-Cambodia diplomatic ties, he suggested that the two sides select and honour 35 outstanding individuals in enhancing bilateral friendship and cooperation.

President of the Solidarity Front for the Development of the Cambodian Motherland (SFDCM)’s National Council Heng Samrin, who is also Chairman of Cambodia’s National Assembly, shared the VFF Chairman’s view on the ties among the Front organisations of Vietnam and Cambodia . He expressed his thanks to the Vietnamese and Lao Parties, Governments and Fronts for their support physically and spiritually in Cambodia ’s cause for national construction and development.

The trilateral friendship and solidarity have been consolidated over the past time and will be passed from generation to generation in Cambodia , he added.

Chairman of the Lao Front for National Construction Central Committee Phanh Duongchet Vongsa asked for further collaboration between the three Fronts to strengthen the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia relationship.-VNA

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