The event was part of theVietnamese minister’s Lao visit from March 26-28.
Speaking at the conference,Minister Dung said the event is timely, given the context of the growing Vietnam-Laosrelationship. Over the past two years, Vietnam has offered a number of scholarshipsfor master’s, doctorate, and short-term training to Laos in the fields oflabour and social welfare. Vocational training between the two ministries hasbeen enhanced via experience sharing and short-term training for teachers.
Regarding labour cooperation, theminister asked Laos to continue providing support for Vietnamese workers employedby investment projects, adding that the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids,and Social Affairs (MoLISA) will work closely with Lao agencies to raise publicawareness of legal regulations regarding guest workers, as well as enhancecollaboration between the two nations’ enterprises in labour supply.
Saysomepheng, for his part,said suggested the conference review the outcomes of bilateral ties in labourand social welfare, including implementation of the Laos-Vietnam labourcooperation agreement and the minutes of the fifth Ministerial Conference on Labour and Social Welfare,and outline a plan for future cooperation.
Both sides heard a report onthe outcomes of a thematic workshop held the day earlier, and updated eachother on their new legal regulations on labour, employment, workforce training,and social welfare.
On the occasion, MinisterDung presented the Friendship Order to 11 units of the Lao Ministry of Labourand Social Welfare in honour of their active and effective contribution to thedevelopment of the great Vietnam-Laos friendship, special solidarity, andcomprehensive partnership.
The Lao minister also grantedthe Friendship Order to 16 MoLISA units.
The MoLISA took the occasionto present artificial limbs, vocational training and office equipment worth 4.5billion VND (195,000 USD) to the Lao ministry.
During a reception hosted byLao Deputy Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone, Minister Dung informed him aboutthe outcomes of coordination between his ministry and the Lao counterpart overthe past years and their joint plans in the near future.
The host leader lauded theirpast cooperation results, especially in personnel training in the field oflabour and social welfare for Laos.
At a Vietnam-Laos dialogue onlabour and social welfare, co-chaired by Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids,and Social Affairs Doan Mau Diep and Lao Deputy Minister of Labour and SocialWelfare Baykham Khattiya, both sides heard a report on the outcomes ofcooperation in labour and social welfare for the 2017-2019 period and plan for2019-2021.
The event featureddiscussions on labour and employment, human resources development, andcooperation in social welfare. –VNA