Vietnam - most known ASEAN nation among Russians

Among the ten ASEAN nations, Vietnam is the best known among Russians, according to a survey conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center.
Vietnam - most known ASEAN nation among Russians ảnh 1Vietnamese products are sold in Russia (Source: VNA)

Moscow (VNA) – Among the ten ASEAN nations, Vietnam is the best known among Russians, according to a survey conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center.

The survey result was announced by the centre’s director Valery Fedorov at the “Russia-ASEAN” University Forum on the sideline of Eastern Economic Forum which will take place in Vladivostok city, Russia, on September 6 and 7.

According to Fedorov, the Russian respondents were asked to rate five criteria on tangible and intangible culture, tourism, relationships among people, and policies of ASEAN nations. Vietnam got 16 out of 25 points.

The result is attributable to the fact that Vietnamese-made products are being sold in shops across Russia and Vietnamese food restaurants are popular in Russia, Fedorov said, adding that Vietnam’s beaches also lure Russian tourists.

In addition, the older generations of Russians still remember Vietnam in the anti-US war.

Vietnam was followed by Thailand with 13 points, thanks to its popularity in tourism, goods and cuisine; Singapore with eight points; and Indonesia with five points.

The Eastern Economic Forum is expected to attract over 3,500 delegates from over 50 nations worldwide.-VNA

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