Hanoi (VNA) - Vietnam'srivers have greatly contributed to socio-economic development, butover-exploitation in recent years has seriously affected this valuableresource, an expert has said.
The head of the Vietnam RiversNetwork, Dao Trong Tu, was speaking at thenetwork's annual workshop in Hanoi on December 4.
The benefits from rivers arehuge but protection seems to be ignored, hesaid.
A rapid increase in population and fast socio-economic development are resulting inuncontrolled and unsustainable tapping of rivers' potential.
Rivers are associated with human life, soprotecting rivers helps to ensure the survival and prosperity of thecountry, he said.
The workshop was an opportunity for relevant partiesand the community to discuss measures to protect rivers and work towardssustainable development, said Tu.
At the seminar, participants gave presentations onissues such as water security in the context of climate change and socio-economicdevelopment in Vietnam, as well asthe development of hydro-electricity on the Mekong River and exploiting,using and protecting sustainable water resources.
Delegates also discussed energy development and waterpollution, including small/medium hydropower development in Vietnamsuch as Sapa Hydropower Plant in northern LaoCai province and Mu stream hydroelectric plant innorthern Hoa Binh province.
Director of Centre for Sustainable Development ofWater Resources and Adaptation to Climate Change (CEWAREC) Dang Ngoc Vinh said ahuge amount of land is needed to build a small/mediumhydroelectricity plant.
One megawatt of a medium/small hydroelectricity plantoccupies about 7.41ha of land on average.
The construction of a hydroelectric plant will alsogreatly affect households living in the areas that are planned to house thehydroelectric plant.
Vietnam needs to eliminatehydroelectric works that have great impacts on the environment and tourismlandscape and people's livelihoods, according to Vinh.
It is also necessary todevelop a system to monitor minimum flow in some rivers and streams in theprovinces and policies to mobilise capital from people investing inconstruction of power projects to link the interests of both businessesand people for sustainable development.
For hydropower projects located in tourism areas orrelated to cultural heritage, appropriate policies should be in place toexploit the benefits of both hydropower and tourism projects and protect theenvironment, Vinh said.
Speaking at the workshop, Dr. Bui DucHien, Division of Environment and Natural Resources Lawunder the Institute of State and Law, said Vietnamneeds to enhance the role of agencies in protecting waterresources sustainably and raise awareness for people about this issue.
The use of science and technology in prevention,detection and treatment of water environmental pollution as well as forestprotection and development also needed to be improved, he said.
There should be a national strategy on attractinginvestment in line with the strategy of sustainable development, green growthand environmentally-friendly industries, Hienadded./.