Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam andNepal on May 11 issued a joint statement on the official visit to Vietnam byPrime Minister of Nepal by H.E K P Sharma Oli.
The following is the full text of the joint statement:
“1. H.E. K P Sharma Oli, Prime Minister of Nepal and hisspouse paid an official visit to Viet Nam from 9 - 13 May, 2019 at theinvitation of H.E. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of Vietnam. Prime MinisterK P Sharma Oli was accompanied by his spouse Radhika Shakya, Minister forForeign Affairs Hon. Pradeep Kumar Gyawali, Advisors to the Prime Minister,Members of Parliament and high ranking government officials. A businessdelegation also accompanied the Prime Minister of Nepal.
2. The official welcoming ceremony was solemnly held at thePresidential Palace on 11 May 2019. After the welcoming ceremony, PrimeMinister K P Sharma Oli held talks with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, metwith President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan. Prime Minister K PSharma Oli also addressed the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and theVietnam - Nepal Business Forum. Prior to the welcoming ceremony, Prime MinisterK P Sharma Oli paid floral tribute and deep respect at President Ho Chi Minh’sMausoleum, and laid a wreath at the Memorial of the Unknown Martyrs and Heroes.Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli will attend and address the UnitedNations Day of Vesak on 12 May 2019.
3. The official talks were held in a warm, cordial and friendlyatmosphere. The two leaders discussed all aspects of the bilateral relations,and exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual interest.Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli expressed his admiration for President Ho ChiMinh and congratulated Vietnam on the latter’s tremendous achievements insocio-economic development. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc expressed hisgratitude to Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli for having chosen Vietnam as hisfirst destination in Southeast Asia since he took office in February 2018,underlining that the first visit of a Nepali Prime Minister to Vietnam wouldcontribute to strengthening the multifaceted relations between the twocountries in the coming days. Prime Minister of Vietnam congratulated thepeople of Nepal for the historic political achievement and for its' unique andhomegrown peace process and its institutionalization through a democraticconstitution and the formation of a stable government. He lauded NepalGovernment’s efforts to bring about visible transformation in the livingstandard of Nepali people and expressed his best wishes for the realization ofthe national resolve of ‘Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali’. Following the talks,the two leaders witnessed the signing of the Agreement on Visa exemption fordiplomatic and official passport holders, the MOU on establishment of bilateralconsultation mechanism between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs and theLetter of Intent on negotiating and signing the framework Agreement on tradeand investment cooperation.
4. Both leaders underlined the cultural and historicalsimilarities between their countries, and recognized the importance of Buddhismas a strong binding thread between the people of the two countries. The twoleaders noted that both Vietnam and Nepal had to undergo various kinds ofstruggle to preserve sovereignty, territorial integrity and nationalindependence.
5. Both sides welcomed practical commemorative activities tobe held in 2020 for the 45th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. Bothsides shared the views that the visit – a key milestone in their relations,would pave the way for a new stage and an enhanced level of cooperation intourism, trade and people to people contact between the two countries.
6. Acknowledging the remarkable progress in their bilateralrelations and on the basis of mutual understanding and trust, the two leadersshared a vision on further widening and deepening the Vietnam – Nepaltraditional friendship across all areas.
7. Recalling their meeting on the sidelines of World EconomicForum in Davos in January 2019, the two leaders agreed to enhance mutual visitsand exchanges at the high and all levels, between their political parties,governments, legislative institutions, local bodies and peoples.
8. Both sides welcomed the signing of the Agreement on visaexemption for diplomatic and official passport holders, the MOU onestablishment of a bilateral consultation mechanism between their ForeignMinistries, the Letter of Intent on negotiating and signing the frameworkAgreement on trade and investment cooperation and underlined the importance ofthose agreements in promoting bilateral relations and cooperation in the yearsahead.
9. Both leaders shared the assessment that their bilateraleconomic and trade cooperation remained far below their potentials andstrengths. They welcomed the renewal of the MoU on cooperation between the VietnamChamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the Nepal Chamber of Commerce (NCC)in April 2018, and tasked their relevant authorities to explore establishmentof bilateral economic and trade cooperation mechanisms, encourage theirbusinesses to survey each other’s market and participate in trade promotionactivities, particularly in such areas as electric appliances, coffee, tea,seafood, textile, leather footwear and to explore new areas of cooperation,including energy, renewable energy, high-tech agriculture, and tourism.
10. Both leaders agreed to look into proposals of marketaccess for the agricultural products that they held competitive edge, encourageinformation exchange and cooperation in agricultural science and technicalresearch, and promote exchange of agricultural experts. Recognizing the desireof Nepal to graduate from LDC status at an early date, the Vietnamese sidewelcomed further imports of Nepali products into Vietnam’s market and agreed toencourage Vietnamese investors and entrepreneurs to invest in productivesectors in Nepal.
11. Both sides agreed to exchange experience on lawenforcement, information on criminals and consider negotiation and signing ofagreements in order to create the legal framework for their cooperation incombating crimes and criminal justice, with immediate priority given to thesigning of an agreement on crime prevention and combat between the Ministry ofPublic Security of Vietnam and the Ministry of Home Affairs of Nepal.
12. The two sides agreed to enhance exchange and cooperationin culture, tourism and people-to-people interaction. Both leaders welcomed thesuccess of the Nepali tourism promotion program in Ho Chi Minh City in March2019, and agreed to encourage more tourists to each other’s touristattractions. The Vietnamese side expressed its support to Visit Nepal Year 2020by sending more tourists to Nepal, including Buddhist pilgrims to Lumbini, thebirth place of Buddha and the fountain of Buddhism. Both sides underlined theneed for establishing direct air service between the two countries andinstructed the concerned Ministries to consider an Agreement on Air Services atthe earliest to promote trade, investment, tourism and people-to-peoplecontacts. Both leaders commended the effective performance of the Nepal – VietnamResearch Centre since its inception in November 2018 and agreed to promoteestablishment of the Vietnam-Nepal Friendship Association in Hanoi in the timeto come.
13. Both sides agreed to bolster cooperation in otherpotential areas such as science and technology, information and communication,logistics, and disaster preparedness.
14. Both leaders shared similar views on various regional andinternational issues of mutual interest. They reiterated the importance offaithfully observing the Charter of the United Nations, principles ofinternational law and norms. They reiterated their resolve to preservemultilateralism and find common solutions to common problems. They furtherreiterated the need to work together for a just, equitable, inclusive,rules-based and democratic world order.
15. Both Prime Ministers spoke highly of the cooperation andcoordination between the two countries at regional and international forums,including the United Nations, and agreed to further strengthen this tradition.Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc expressed his gratitude to the Government ofNepal for supporting Vietnam’s bid to become a non-permanent member of the UNSecurity Council for the term of 2020-2021.
16. Prime Minister of Nepal K P Sharma Oli expressed hisgratitude to Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and the people of Vietnam for thewarm and gracious hospitality, and extended his cordial invitation to PrimeMinister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to visit Nepal in the near future. Prime MinisterNguyen Xuan Phuc gladly accepted the invitation.”-VNA