While in Seoul, Trang met with RoK Minister ofForeign Affairs Park Jin on November 8, who stressed that Vietnam andthe RoK elevated their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership inDecember 2022, and expressedhis hope for stronger cooperation in the coming time.
The minister highly valued close collaboration betweenthe VNA and Yonhap, saying he hopes that the news agencies will play a moreactive role in promoting the Vietnam-RoK cooperation.

Information exchanges aswell as the diverse forms of cooperation between the two news agencies havecontributed to bringing information to the public in atimely manner, she said.
The same day, Trang and Seong held talks, during whichthe Yonhap leader affirmed that cooperation with the VNA is at the highestpoint in the Korean news agency’s foreign relations with more than 100 newsagencies and newspapers across the world.
For her part, Trang reviewed cooperation between thetwo news agencies over the past nearly 30 years, saying the relationship has grownconstantly and been maintained at both bilateral and multilateral forums.
In the new situation, the two news agencies should putforth appropriate orientations to meet their own development requirements andtasks while contributing to enhancing the comprehensive strategic partnershipbetween Vietnam and the RoK, she said.
Trang said that the VNA is pushing ahead with digitaltransformation in information production and dissemination. Meanwhile, Yonhapis one of the pioneering news agencies in digital transformationand information product restructuring.
Therefore, the VNA hopes that Yonhap will shareinformation about its model, organisational structure, and competitiveinformation products, she continued, noting Yonhap's development experiencewill be very useful to the VNA's digital transformation.
The two sides agreedto step up information exchange to raise mutual understanding between the two countries' people, and coordinate to quickly and promptly provide information of public concern,contributing to guiding public opinion and refuting fake news.