Prominent at the ceremony were Deputy Foreign Minister Ho Xuan Son,Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Le Cong Phung, Vietnamese ConsulGeneral in Houston Le Dung, and Betty H. McCutchan - representative ofthe US Department of State in Texas as well as Houston officials.
The opening of the consulate general in Texas is expected to furtherfoster Vietnam ’s economic, trade, investment, cultural and educationalrelations with the US in general and with Texas in particular.
The office would also create a direct link between overseas Vietnamesein the US and their homeland as well as facilitate the settlement ofissues related to Vietnamese citizens in the state.
Speaking at the ceremony, Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Ho XuanSon said the opening of the consulate general in Houston city marked animportant event in Vietnam-US relations, at a time when the two nationsare celebrating the 15th anniversary of their diplomatic ties.
Only a few months after the office started operations in the city,Vietnam and Texas have seen their understanding and multi-facetedcooperation much improved, while companies and businesspeople fromHouston can now get easier access to information regarding theirpotential partners in Vietnam, Son said.
The consulate general has made it easier for the overseas Vietnamesecommunity in Texas and its neighbouring states in dealing with consularissues such as the grant of passports and visas.
Many students from Vietnam who are now attending universities andcolleges around Texas said they now feel they have a “home” at theconsulate general office, the deputy minister added.
For her part, Betty H. McCutchan said the US is happy to be marking 15years of diplomatic ties this year with the opening of the newconsulate general, and that it expects stronger relations between thetwo nations.
Consul General Le Dung said Texas -- one of the largest states in theUS -- is a big training centre and holds a wide range of potentials forcooperation with Vietnam . Texas is also home to a large community ofVietnamese-American, estimated at 450,000 people.
In addition to consular issues, the consulate general will give toppriority to promoting cooperative relations between Vietnam and Texas ,and the US as a whole, he stressed.
On this occasion, the consulate general introduced Vietnam ’spotentials and its investment environment, and called upon US investorsto explore business opportunities in the Southeast Asian country./.