During the visit, made at the invitation ofForeign Minister Albert F. del Rosario, the Vietnamese and PhilippineMinisters co-chaired a meeting of the Vietnam-Philippines JointCommission on reaching a Strategic Partnership agreement.
At the meeting, the two sides noted that bilateral relations betweenthe Philippines and Vietnam are growing in various aspects,including in politics, trade and investment, fisheries, marine andoceanic affairs, defense and security cooperation, and others.
The two sides expressed delight at the stable growth of their trade,hitting 2.8 billion USD in 2014. They agreed to resume meetings of thesub-committees on trade cooperation to seek ways to increase trade valueto over 3 billion USD.
Both sides affirmed theimportance of their rice trading affiliation, while agreeing to continueenhancing collaboration in maritime-ocean affairs, includingeffectively realising agreements in fisheries, search and rescue, andcoping with ocean oil spills.
Deputy PM Minh thankedthe Philippines for its friendly and humanitarian approach toissues related to Vietnamese fishermen and boats, creating favourableconditions for the fishermen to return home safely.
Regarding the East Sea issue, the two Ministers expressed theirconcern over the ongoing large-scale encroachment activities that posethreats to peace and stability in the region as well as to the lives ofmany people across coastal states in the East Sea.
The two Ministers agreed that the parties concerned should adhere tothe ASEAN-China Declaration of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC),conclude a Code of Conduct (COC) in view of the urgency of the issue,and exercise restraint from undertaking any action that may escalatetension in the East Sea. The two Ministers reaffirmed thatdisputes in the East Sea should be solved by peaceful measures inaccordance with international law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Lawof the Sea.
They reiterated their commitment to continuedbilateral and multilateral cooperation towards the establishment of theASEAN Community as well as upholding the centrality and unity of theASEAN in the evolving regional architecture.
The two Ministersalso reaffirmed the invaluable friendship between the Philippines andVietnam and the importance of their partnership in the ASEAN.
During his stay, Deputy PM Minh paid a courtesy call to Vice PresidentJejomar Binay and met with the CEO of the Metro Manila Group. He alsolaid a wreath at the President Ho Chi Minh Monument at theASEAN Park in Manila.-VNA