The event was jointly held by the Ministry ofPlanning and Investment (MPI), the US Agency for International Development(USAID), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Director General of the MPI’s Department ofScience, Education, Resources and Environment Pham Hoang Mai said fiveministries and 30 cities and provinces in the country have built and areimplementing their plans of action on green growth.
Vietnam participated in the Paris Agreementadopted at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP) in November 2015, and governmentagencies have coordinated with development partners to carry out activities torealise the country’s commitments under the agreement, he said.
In October 2016, the government promulgated aplan to implement the Paris Agreement and the Intended Nationally DeterminedContribution (INDC) commitment, he added.
Deputy Director of USAID in Vietnam Craig Hart notedthat while it is important to mobilize internationalfinancial resources for the purpose, it is necessary to improve the efficiencyof domestic funding mechanisms.
He cited as an example the collection of feesfor forest services which earns around 60 million USD for the country eachyear. Last year, nearly 20,000 rural residents for the first time receivedpayment for their forest care from this source.
Meanwhile, Country Director of UNDP LouiseChamberlain proposed the Vietnamese government put forth policies and long-termcommitments to mitigate risks for investors in green growth, reform energyprices and investment encouragement mechanisms.
She also recommended changing the methods ofmanaging and supporting State-run businesses operating in the field of energy.
Attracting investment and improving investmentefficiency are essential to develop the green growth economy, she stressed./.