Buenos Aires (VNA) - Vietnamese Chargé d'affairesa.i. in Chile Nguyen Minh Anh introduced the potential for cooperation betweenVietnam and Chile in trade and tourism at a seminar in Chile on January 19.
Anhhighlighted the remarkable growth in bilateral trade exchange recently, withvalue reaching 1.28 billion USD. He noted that Vietnam is the 10th biggest foreign trade partner and the second largest Southeast Asian market ofChile.
The diplomatunderlined the trend among young Chilean entrepreneurs to seek investmentopportunities in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam.
Arepresentative of the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Vietnam –Chile free trade agreement, effective in 2014, has made significantcontributions to increasing trade exchanges between the two nations.
Vietnam canserve as a gateway for Chilean products to enter ASEAN markets, while Chile asa bridge connecting Vietnam and Latin America.
The seminar, jointlyhosted by the Embassy of Vietnam and the Manufactured Product ExportersAssociation of Chile (ASEXMA) also aimed to announce the cooperationopportunities between the two countries at the 28th Vietnam International TradeFair (Vietnam Expo 2018) slated for April.
It drew acrowd of local enterprises operating in aquaculture, food processing,agriculture, energy, among others.-VNA