Vietnam protests China’s fishing ban in East Sea

Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 15 protested against China’s unilateral implementation of a ban on fishing in the East Sea.
Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 15 protested against China’s unilateral implementation of a ban on fishing in the East Sea.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Luong Thanh Nghi made the protest while answering reporters’ queries on Vietnam’s response to China’s promulgation of the ban on fishing in the East Sea in 2013 from 12.00 AM, May 16 till 12.00 AM, August 1 which encompasses some portions of Vietnam’s waters.

“China’s unilateral implementation of the ban on fishing in the East Sea in 2013 which encompasses some portions of Vietnam’s waters violates Vietnam’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelago, its sovereign rights and jurisdiction over its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,” said Nghi.

He added that the ban goes against the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC).

“Vietnam opposes and declares China’s aforementioned unilateral decision null and void,” the spokesperson stressed.-VNA

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