Vietnam, RoK artists light up folk music show

The special folk and classical music performances staged by artists from the Republic of Korea (RoK) and Vietnam cheered up audiences in a programme held in the central province of Phu Yen on July 30.
The special folk and classical music performances staged by artists from the Republic of Korea (RoK) and Vietnam cheered up audiences in a programme held in the central province of Phu Yen on July 30.

Music lovers were immersed in the distinctive folk songs of the two countries with a performance using the unique musical instruments-lithophone, flute and two-chord fiddle of Vietnam by meritorious artists, Thanh Hai, Quoc Huy and Ngoc Thanh being in the spotlight of the programme.

On the occasion, RoK artists presented gifts for needy families in the provincial districts of Phu Hoa and Dong Hoa.

The event was co-hosted by the local Sao Bien Art Troupe and the Ho Chi Minh City-based VICORUS Co., Ltd.

Early this month, an exhibition themed “The Republic of Korea’s modern fine arts in Vietnam ” opened at the Korean Cultural Centre in Hanoi , showing 80 works from 51 RoK painters to give Vietnamese audiences an insight into the RoK’s contemporary art scene as well as its socio-economic life.

The fourth Vietnam Tourism-Culture Festival in the RoK was organised in Seoul to introduce Vietnam ’s cultural identity to Koreans.

Boosted cultural exchanges in recent time have contributed largely to strengthening the strategic partnership between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea.-VNA

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