Vietnam, RoK seek ways to intensify mutual trust

Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung and the Republic of Korea’s (RoK) Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon agreed on measures to enhance mutual trust and understanding between Vietnam and the RoK, thus boosting the bilateral relationship in a more effective and comprehensive manner.
Vietnam, RoK seek ways to intensify mutual trust ảnh 1Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung (L) and RoK PM Lee Nak-yon (Photo: VNA)

Seoul (VNA) – Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung and the Republic of Korea’s (RoK) Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon agreed on measures to enhance mutual trust and understanding between Vietnam and the RoK, thus boosting the bilateral relationship in a more effective and comprehensive manner.

They reached the consensus during their meeting on December 3 as part of Deputy PM Dung’s visit to the RoK from December 2-6.

The two sides consented to maintain regular high-level visits and meetings, and step up result-oriented cooperation in such areas as diplomacy, national defence, and security.

They will also strengthen bilateral trade and investment ties, aiming to bring two-way trade to 100 billion USD by 2020.

Deputy PM Dung highly appreciated the RoK’s consideration of Vietnam as the top priority in its New Southern Policy and affirmed that Vietnam will continue to treasure its relations with the RoK.

He suggested the two sides bolster their coordination in order to create conditions for Vietnamese agricultural products to access and gain a firm foothold in the RoK; improve the competitiveness of Vietnamese goods; support Vietnamese startups; intensify technological transfer; and develop Vietnam’s support industry in an effort to reduce its trade deficit with the RoK.  

The official called on the RoK to continue with its non-refundable aid as well as development and preferential credits to Vietnam, while effectively implementing labour agreements between the two sides.  

Dung lauded the RoK’s investment projects in Vietnam, as well as Korean businesses’ increased investment in Vietnam in spheres like the support industry, auto manufacturing, electronics and semi-conducting, energy and renewable energy, infrastructure development in industrial parks, smart city building, and agricultural modernisation.

The Vietnamese Government stands ready to create the best possible conditions for RoK enterprises to invest in large-scale infrastructure projects through the public-private partnership (PPP) model, such as the North-South Expressway, and participate in the equitisation and divestment of state-owned enterprises, he stressed.

On this occasion, Dung applauded the RoK Government’s facilitation of visa grants to Vietnamese citizens and appealed to the Korean side to pay more attention and provide further support towards ensuring the rights and interests of Vietnamese in the country, especially Vietnamese nationals married to local spouses.

For his part, PM Lee Nak-yon said Dung’s visit is crucial to promoting the bilateral relationship and praised the cooperation achievements the two countries have recorded in the 26 years since diplomatic ties were set up.

The RoK Government attaches importance to the strategic cooperative partnership with Vietnam, he said, noting that he will instruct relevant ministries and agencies of the RoK to successfully realise agreements reached by the two countries, in order to elevate the bilateral relationship to a new height.

The same day, Deputy PM Dung hosted a reception for Chairman of the RoK’s ruling Democratic Party (DP) Lee Hae-chan, during which he thanked the Korean party for supporting the development of the win-win relations with Vietnam. He hoped that the party will continue its assistance in bolstering Vietnam-RoK ties, with a focus on enhancing cooperation between the two parties and considering the signing of collaboration deals.

Lee stressed that he and the DP have always treasured and will further their relations with the Communist Party of Vietnam, contributing to strengthening bonds between the two nations.

Receiving President of the Korea Foundation Lee Si-hyung, Dung spoke highly of the foundation’s implementation of the Next Generation Leaders Programme and several other cultural exchange programmes. He suggested the organisation expand its cooperation with Vietnam in the time ahead.

Lee, for his part, said that he will maintain and design more programmes for Vietnamese officials at all levels to study and exchange development experience in the East Asian country.

Dung also visited the Vietnamese Embassy and met with the Vietnamese community in the RoK. Lauding the contributions made by Vietnamese nationals towards developing relations with the RoK, he underlined that the Vietnamese Party and Government always see overseas Vietnamese as an integral part of Vietnam, who have played an important part in fostering cooperation and friendship between Vietnam and foreign countries across the five continents, including the RoK.

Working with Vietnamese scientists who are working and studying in the RoK, Dung said that the scientists have played a starring role in helping the homeland catch up with the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

He noted that the Party and Government have worked to complete the legal framework, facilitate Vietnamese scientists’ activities in foreign countries and attract international experts to join sci-tech activities in Vietnam.

“The Party and Government want to work alongside young scientists who not only hold the potential of the future, but are the best resources at present and the prospective owners of the country,” he added. –VNA 

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