Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister ToAnh Dung and Secretary of State at the Romanian Foreign Ministry MonicaGheorghita held a political consultation in Hanoi on May 14, discussingbilateral relations and international issues of shared concern.
Deputy Minister Dung said Vietnam alwaystreasures its traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Romania.It thanks Romania, which is holding the EU presidency for the first half of2019, for pledging to strongly support the early signing and ratification ofthe free trade agreement and the investment protection agreement betweenVietnam and the EU.
He affirmed that Vietnam is ready to serve as abridge to enhance Romania and the EU’s cooperation with ASEAN when it takesover the ASEAN Chair position in 2020.
The official also appreciated Romania’scommitment to supporting Vietnam’s candidacy for a non-permanent seat in theUnited Nations Security Council for 2020-2021.
For her part, Secretary of State Gheorghitahailed the recent visit to her country by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc,considering this an important event in bilateral ties. She also applauded thebusiness forum that involved more than 200 enterprises of both sides during thetrip.
She affirmed that the Romanian Government highlyvalues socio-economic development and international integration achievements ofVietnam in recent years. It attaches importance to promoting cooperation withthe Southeast Asian nation, especially in trade and investment.
At the consultation, the two sides agreed toincrease mutual visits and meetings between the countries’ leaders, continue toeffectively implement the political consultation mechanism between the foreignministries’ general department directors and deputy ministers, and work closelytogether to organise activities marking 70 years of bilateral diplomaticrelations in 2020.
The countries will soon organise the 16thmeeting of the joint committee for economic cooperation so as to discussorientations for ties in the fields matching Romania’s demand and Vietnam’sstrength, including oil and gas, oil refinery and petrochemistry, architecture,construction, seaports, medicine, agriculture, and food processing.
They also agreed to step up educationalcollaboration through the effective use of the 20 scholarships that Romaniagives to Vietnam, as well as work towards the signing of a new educationalcooperation programme.
The officials concurred in enhancingpartnerships in agriculture and labour, considering these as fields with highpotential for bilateral cooperation in the time ahead.
At the event, Deputy Minister Dung and Secretaryof State Gheorghita also discussed international and regional issues of commonconcern. They shared the view on the importance of improving the effectivenessof global governance, regional connectivity, and international law. –VNA