Singapore (VNA) – Deputy Defence Minister Sen.Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh and Permanent Secretary of Defence of Singapore ChanHeng Kee co-chaired the 11th Vietnam – Singapore defence policydialogue in the island state on November 6.
On regional and global issues, they highlightedthe importance of maintaining security, maritime and aviation freedom, settling disputes by peaceful means in line with international law,including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and regionalcommitments.
In the current context, ASEAN, including ASEANDefence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) and ADMM Plus, plays an increasingly importantrole, contributing to maintaining regional peace, stability and cooperation.
On bilateral defence ties, they shared the viewthat joint work has still been maintained via online discussions. Amid thecomplicated developments of COVID-19 pandemic, they called for a flexible andcreative approach to maintaining and organising existing dialogue mechanisms,especially the deputy ministerial-level defence policy dialogue, and sharing ofprofessional experience in military medicine, search and rescue, training andnaval force.
Both sides agreed to sign a bilateral defence cooperationagreement in replace of that signed in 2009 and assigned units concerned toarrange it.
During his courtesy call toSingaporean Defence Minister NgEng Hen the same day, Vinh thanked the SingaporeanDefence Ministry and the Minister for supporting Vietnam in undertaking the role ofASEAN Chair 2020. He expressed wish to further enhance substantial defence tieswith Singapore for the sake of peace, stability and development in the region.
Ng EngHen, for his part, said Vietnam is the first ASEAN nation to send a high-leveldefence delegation to Singapore since the COVID-19 broke out, addingthat the success of the defence policy dialogue will make practicalcontributions to strengthening relations between the two nations and armies.
Hestressed that there remains room for bilateral defence ties so that it is aneed to consider cooperation areas that meet demand of each side.
TheSingaporean Defence Ministry will continue working closely with and supportVietnam in fulfilling the role of ASEAN Chair 2020, he said./.